Send RE bot to a Telegram Channel, Group, or User
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👉NOTE: Before you can send your Red Envelope to a Telegram Channel, Group, or User, you must first share the RE Assistant bot with Channel, Group, or User.
For a Channel, Group, or User to interact with the RE Assistant, you first must send it to them.
For Channels or Groups, send the RE Assistant to the Admin of the Channel or Group to activate.
➡️Tips for Telegram Group Admins.
(User's just need to click on the bot to begin interacting with it.)
1) Share this link with a User or the Admin of a Channel or Group directly:
2) If you don't have that link handy, you can just ask the RE Assistant to send it for you.
Pull up the Bot Info window by clicking on the HOPE•YOU•GET•RICH link or Red Envelope icon.
Once the RE Bot Info window pops up, click on @RE02bot
A list of your Channels, Groups, and Users will appear. Here you can select a Channel, Group, or User to send the RE Assistant to by typing in the "Share to" field or scrolling through your list.
Once you have sent the RE Assistant to the Channel, Group or User you want to share Runes with, you can Send your Red Envelope to that Channel, Group, or User. Let's learn that next.